Author, Burning for Freedom

Author, Burning for Freedom
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Monday, October 22, 2012

The Pakistan Plant, Part II

“History is not history unless it is the truth.”

-Abraham Lincoln

Hi, Everyone! The last three years plus I have spent doing some intensive research in the Freedom Movement of India. There was no getting away from it for me. Understanding that was an essential part of writing my novel.

I meandered through a forest of words, which at first appeared to me like a lot of "abbledy-gabbledy." Even as a kid, when studying the history of the Indian freedom movement I had many moments of perplexity. So many things just didn't make sense! And now I was back there again. But I gritted my teeth, and sternly told myself to only focus on what actually happened, and not on the yak-yak that was surrounding the facts. Let the facts reveal themselves, I told myself.
And then, I had many moments of: "Ah!" and "O-o-oh!" and "Oh my God!"
The landmarks in the pathway to Partition in the Freedom Movement of India:

  • Khilafat Movement

Gandhi attached the Indian Freedom movement to the Khilafat Movement, leading directly to religion entering the politics of India.

Indians were now Indians no more, but Hindus and Muslims. Or rather, as they were referred to in Transfer of Power days, Non-Muslims and Muslims . . . !

  • Noncooperation Movement, 1921
  • The Communal Award in 1931

Instead of sending the 16 delegates to the Round Table Conference, Gandhi went as the sole representative of Congress. Congress made no effort to oppose the Communal Award.

Religion now entered the Constitution of India . . . !

Hindus could only vote for Hindus, Muslims for Muslims and so on.

To gain a clear cut majority in the elections, Congress needed to woo the Muslims to gain their votes. Muslim appeasement reached new heights from here onwards.

  • Congress attitude in forming ministries in 1937
  • Congress policy of boycott and resignation from ministries to (unsuccessfully) twist the British arm

This led to tremendously strengthening Jinnah’s position in Indian politics!

  • Rajaji and Pakistan, 1942-1944
  • Bhulabhai-Liaquat Pact, 1944
  • Elections in 1945
  • Cabinet Mission, 1946
  • Nehru’s Press Conference, 1946, leading directly to Muslim League Direct Action and partition.
  • Partition and Freedom, 1947.

From tomorrow, I shall elaborate on these bullet points and lay bare the skeleton in the closet of Indian history.


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